Mental Health & Life Coaching FAQs

Coaching is a care method that use a collaboration of client and coach input to construct accessible goal-plans that help clients reach their self-visualized version of functionality and balance in mental, emotional, or physical health. Learn more below.

We coach on topics like…

  • Mental Health (anxiety, depression, burnout, mood disorders, and more)

  • Emotional challenges

  • Difficult life events and transitions

  • Identity and Self Connection

  • Finding Direction & Balance

  • Interpersonal Relationships & Social Wellness

  • Marginalized Identity

  • Chronic Illness

  • Family Dynamics

  • Disability

  • Trauma

  • Neurodivergence

  • Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching

  • Somatic & Mind-Body Coaching

  • Connecting with Lesser-Known Healthcare & Wellness Resources

  • Healthcare, Fitness, and Wellness Routines (with a focus on accessibility)

  • And more

Click an FAQ to learn more.

  • Yes, we have a trauma-informed and highly health-educated approach, meaning our coaching can also be applied safely to help those with mental health conditions or a trauma history. Every coaching session is unique and different, but below lists the overall structure of coaching applied to mental health or trauma.

    Our focus is on functionality and helping you achieve your personalized version of healthy living. We work with clients on exploring their current mental landscape and working through the everyday effects of a condition or trauma. We then assist in a process of exploration that honors client and input, to construct step-by-step changes to environments, behaviors, mindsets at the client's pace. This, along with tools and resources coaches may offer with consent, can significantly improve functioning and health for those with trauma and mental or physical conditions. Coaches may also provide different frameworks and perspectives that assist clients in creating new understandings of their thoughts and emotions, reducing feelings of war or barriers within oneself.

    For mental health conditions:

    We do not diagnose or prescribe, however, for clients who are interested, we are happy to provide resources to connect you with professionals who do.

    Whether coaching is used to enhance the therapy process or as a standalone service, most clients can experience positive changes in symptoms and quality of life from the changes and resilient mindsets that coaching nourishes.

    We also understand there can be complex feelings around diagnoses. Sometimes it can feel liberating to have a word for an experience, other times the attached prognoses may feel limiting, or the diagnosis itself may conflict with cultural viewpoints. The beauty in coaching is that we are not tied to one framework. We help you relate to your diagnosis in the ways that you choose, work with you to move past limitations, and also hold space for the challenges that come with your unique situation.

    For trauma:

    Coaching does not need to dive into the trauma to help you free yourself from it. We do not ask invasive questions, nor do we need them for an effective session. But we do hold space for clients to share these emotionally-intense experiences if they feel called to.

    Coaching focuses on the effects the trauma currently has on your body, mind, and emotions. We are able to provide education on the body's safety mechanisms, and assist clients in finding methods to re-regulate physically, emotionally, mentally, as well as creating the environments and adaptations needed to support re-regulation. Our direction is the client's vision of life liberated from these past experiences. At your own pace, we create personalized goal plans that reinforce this freedom and safety. For some this can be a complicated process with many ups and downs, as the brain tries to remember what it needs to keep you safe. Your coach will collaborate with you on an individual basis regarding referrals to therapy if assistance with direct processing of past events may help you move forward.

    If you are seeking therapy to help with past processing of trauma, you may consider using the "Find a Therapist" directory to search for compatible trauma informed therapists, or therapists trained in trauma specific techniques like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).

  • Mental health coaching and therapy are two different help-methods via talking with a professional. The following comparison and contrast is meant to help you understand the strengths of each. In briefest possible summary, therapy has strengths in deconstructing the old, and coaching in creating the new. But in some situations, just one modality is enough for both. For example, the process of reflecting and creating new behaviors with a coach can in itself unwire old patterns for some individuals. For others, a deep dive with a therapist or specialized therapy modalities are needed. Some therapists may also help create future oriented goals and plans. We encourage you to read the following comparison to learn how to get the most out of each modality, as each can be highly beneficial.

    To get the best results in either therapy or coaching, it is also best to research the professionals you are choosing to make sure they practice in ways that are compatible with your needs. See our coaches below. For therapists you can use the Find a Therapist tool .


    Coaching is a non-clinical care service aimed towards assisted exploration and reflection of yourself and situation(s), followed by action. It helps identify and replace dysfunctional or limiting habits, beliefs, and mindsets and builds ones that align with the client's view of direction and self in a step-by-step process. It is a collaborative service, meaning the coach involves the client's input throughout the session and respects their preferred topics of focus. Coaching as a skillset could be focused on many things- mental health is just one topic or subspecialty. Our facility also coaches on physical health, life challenges, and more. It’s a great tool to figure out and implement the “hows”. Honoring the reality of environmental challenges, this process also involves exploring relevant parts of your mental landscape, environments, support systems, strengths, core beliefs, values, and life experiences to assist you in a process of molding the variables towards your favor.

    We've had additional training in applying these skills specifically to helping people with mental health conditions or symptoms thrive. We do not diagnose or prescribe. However, by focusing on our client's unique experience of their condition and life variables, our sessions are highly successful at helping clients recognize and maximize their points of power over their mental health in both their internal and external environments. This usually leads to significant improvements in mental wellbeing, and very often symptom reduction as a result.


    Therapy is a medical service by a licensed professional. There are many types of therapy, and different types are better aimed at treating different conditions. The structure of a therapy session depends largely on the professional's specialties and the types of therapy they are using. Therapist's are trained to help client's understand the "why's", as well as apply techniques tailored towards diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions. They are capable of applying techniques aimed directly at symptom management. Therapists (or psychologists and psychiatrists) develop and oversee crisis management plans in case of emergency.

    Our coaches are happy to collaborate with your therapist, or help connect you with a therapist when preferred. They may also, with your consent, provide education on specific types of therapy that may help you find a good therapist match.

    Similarities and differences:

    Both coaching and therapy use knowledge of psychology, but they use it differently. Therapy applies medical and clinical applications of many forms of psychology, and if your therapist is also a social worker, they'll apply sociology (understanding social impacts on your life). Coaching uses specific branches of behavioral psychology intermingled with some forms of sociology and philosophy.

    Therapy can be generalized as a service that heals past-focused experience, and coaching as a future-focused service. But there may be some overlap depending on the professional and situation. Coaches do not dig into a client's past, but we hold space when it comes up and assist in utilizing the information from it. A coach would listen and reflect, but not untangle that old event. We apply it as a means of understanding that event's effect on your present state and how that contributes to your ability to achieve your vision of wellbeing. Our interventions place power in your ability to mold your current perceptions and future actions. Therapy has strengths in remaining with that event to untangle and process it. For some clients, they may benefit from having a therapist apply tools and questions that allow them to interact more healthily with these past experiences to make room for the new ones. Depending on the therapist's practice style and skillset, they may focus mostly on application of healthcare and re-processing, or they may also assist in future-oriented work.

    We've mentioned that therapists have strengths in uncovering "why's" (eg. why do you think or feel a certain way), and coaches in "how's" (eg. how can we change or achieve this), but this too may depend on the professional and situation. Coaching involves an exploration phase of the sessions in which many times a client may emerge with better understanding of a "why", and some forms of therapy also incorporate the "how" in their treatment methods.

    Referrals made with your needs in mind:

    If you or your coach think that you may benefit from clinical mental health practices such as therapy or psychiatry, we will ask for your permission to refer or connect you with clinical resources.

    However, we are also aware of the difficulties that many experience in trusting our medical system. Our coaching services will never force you into clinical intervention, as this is a mutual interaction, and a non-medical service. If the scope of coaching is not sufficient to provide the aid you need, we are also able to support you in exploring alternative therapeutics, culturally relevant therapeutics, or other branches of healthcare if you prefer.

  • All you need to do is commit to showing up for yourself via attending your sessions. Part of the coach’s skillset is assisting you in gaining momentum building motivation from the ground up, so you do not need to take on the onus of figuring that out alone.

  • True coaching never involves a coach "telling you what to do".

    In our sessions, if we have a tool or background knowledge in a subject that may be helpful, we ask for your consent before sharing that tool. This allows clients to guide their own session while also benefitting from a coach's resources.

    With consent, coaches may also offer creative insight, new ideas for generating or modifying goals, or take part in the brainstorming process.

  • Almost anyone can benefit from good-quality coaching if they would like an assist in life, have encountered an obstacle, or would like to make change in their life or health. But in the case of the following, please seek medical attention and get treatment before seeking coaching:

    • You are experiencing psychosis, losing touch with reality, or experiencing hallucinations.

    • You are actively using substances. Coaching is a great tool to assist you in overcoming addictions, but please do not attend sessions while you are under the influence.

    • You are in active crisis or have a plan to harm yourself or someone else.

    Emergency, Urgent, and Crisis Resources:

    For Emergency services dial 911 and ask for an ambulance, social worker, or crisis team.

    For the Crisis hotline call or text 988.

    For Psychiatric Urgent Care (outpatient) options, please google a facility near you. For local residents, you may visit the following clinic:

    6501 N. Charles Street • Baltimore, MD 21204


    Or visit their website by clicking here.

  • Coaching is rooted in behavioral sciences, so we are trained specifically in this issue. Many folks seek out coaching because they've had difficulties making lasting change on their own. That's why we're here to help.

    We have also found that clients who have struggled in the past to make change, sometimes even with other coaches, tend to do very well with our coaching methods because of the additional mental health training we apply.

    Together we'll analyze what's already been tried, what works and doesn't for you specifically, and explore your relationship with your goals, values, and barriers. Keep in mind, lasting change is a process. We assist clients in breaking down goals into manageable, sustainable steps and finding tailored, creative solutions.

    Some individuals choose to try again with methods they've already tried, after re-analyzing with their coach and shifting their mindset. Others opt to generate new methods completely. Some enjoy asking for some input from coaches who may have a background in a relevant field, while others prefer the coach to remain input-free and prompt them to do their own thinking entirely. The coaching dynamic is highly individualized and in your hands. Regardless, we work alongside you in developing out-of-the-box, novel approaches to get where you want to be.

  • Coaching can be a helpful tool in aiding group dynamics. Depending on the coach's background, they may be equipped to coach multiple parties in one session to help couples, groups, parents/kids, caregivers and their loved ones.

    Schedule a Free Consultation with the coach you're interested in for inquiries. Click here to schedule.

    Fee schedules: The standard fee is charged per client present in the session. There is no additional fee for a group session.

    We can also incorporate tools for interpersonal relationships in standard individual coaching sessions. The above is referring to clients who would like all involved parties to be present and participating in the coaching,

Meet Our Coaches

Jonathan (he/they)

Lived Experience & Focus Areas

  • Neurodivergence & Mental Illness (Depression, anxiety, dissociation, PTSD)

  • Medical trauma

  • Households affected by alcohol/addiction

  • Fluctuating body size, integrative health perspectives on fitness

  • Long-term & Intercultural/interracial relationships (romantic and familial dynamics)

  • Non-traditional family dynamics

  • Experiencing disability & caregiving for disability

  • Effects of poverty and class struggles

  • Chronic illness

  • Major life transitions

  • Grief and Death

  • SA and Trauma 

  • Gender nonconforming, transgender, LGBTQ identity

  • Non-straight identity

  • Ancestral Identity Exploration

  • Polyamory / ethical non-monogamy

  • Accessible learning methods for children & students with cognitive disabilities, autism, non-verbal communication, or neurodivergence

  • Supporting families, friendships, caregivers, and relationships through any of the above

    • Mental Health Coaching (Ginger/Headspace Institute, led by Clinicians)

    • Allied Health Program including pathology, medical terminology, Anatomy & Physiology, medical ethics (Eastern Technical High School, National Consortium for Health Sciences)

    • Massage therapy (Holistic Massage Training Institute & Anne Arundel Community College A.A.S.)

    • Medical and orthopedic massage 

    • Energy work (varied sources) and Reiki (Jikiden Institute program of Kyoto)

    • Studies of traditional medicine systems (eg. Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and 5 Element theory) 

    • Alternative approaches to mind-body care (somatic work and meditation)

    • Pharmacy technician

    • Classroom aide experience for children in Communication & Learning assisted programs

    • World Spiritualities and Belief Systems, Cultural studies

    • Introductory Psychology, coaching-applied branches of psychology (Evolutionary, Positive, Social, Humanistic, etc)

  • Whether you are facing the walls of society, have been dealt a particularly difficult personal hand, or have generally had it well but ran into a rough patch in life, I’d love hold compassion and understanding space for your story.  

    I am comfortable aiding clients from all backgrounds, identities, and belief systems. The focus of these sessions is to understand and support you in your individual needs. Many useful tools are universally beneficial- connecting authentically with yourself, understanding complex factors in wellbeing, communication skills, shedding pressure or expectation, navigating hardship, increasing healthcare options, and optimizing life systems. But there is no one-size-fits-all formula to be applied. Every session is customized to your needs in that moment.

    I share the above list of some of my complex lived experiences to help clients gain a sense of solidarity and comfort as you begin to share your own lives. That said, I apply the foundational idea of coaching that each individual will have different experiences and paths forward- even through similar lived events.

    I’m passionate about helping clients navigate their way through intense, chronic challenges and emotions, health conditions (both mental and physical), and the unique impact that being a person from a marginalized group (or groups) can have on wellbeing. Our sessions honor those who just need to feel normalized and address other aspects of life in coaching, as well as those looking for a safe space to pave a clearer path to liberation from social or economic barriers. In addition to working directly with those experiencing disability, I also enjoy supporting parents of disabled children and caregivers or family of disabled loved ones. ​

    The beauty of this unique dynamic is unconditional support, grounding, authenticity, the ability to be heard, and best of all the growth of trust in yourself over time and practice. When needed, I'm happy to provide perspective, references, tools, and therapeutic insight within the scope of my backgrounds and studies. In these cases, I'll obtain your consent beforehand. I’m also happy to be part of a greater care team, working alongside any other professionals you have chosen for yourself. We are equipped with connections to help you find other professions when needed. ​

    I'm honored to walk with you and support you along your path forward.

    -Jonathan Bowling (he/they)

If you'd like to explore more about me and how I use these particular pieces of my life to enhance the experience of my coaching clients, click a category below.

  • I openly disclose that I was assigned female at birth. For me personally, it is a key part to my journey, and it helps many of my clients who were also born female to feel understood in some of the very unique problems for this demographic. In recent years, I am generally perceived as a feminine male since I've reached an expression of gender in my body that is personally authentic. Living this way for almost the last decade, I use this side of myself and my experiences to relate to my male clients, navigating the elements of their masculinity they'd like to embrace, and shedding those which have caused themselves or others harm. You may notice I have a very ambiguous appearance as I choose to remain free of expectations regarding the perception of my gender. Both ends of the gender spectrum play an important role in my life and client interactions. When referring to me, simply use "he" or "they".

    For other LGBTQ+, trans, nonbinary, or non cisgender identifying clients, I'm happy to assist as you embark on your exploration of the complexity of gender identity. I'm happy to explore the nuances of self, safety, and everything that comes along the path to personal authenticity for those of us who are not given simplicity in our options.

    Whether my clients identify strongly with the gender they were born with or they don't, I'm happy to provide a neutral space for you to explore the elements of femininity, masculinity, or the absence of the two that feels right for you. With the rigid boxes social expectations place around us, every person has the opportunity to benefit from exploring their relationship with their self, their body, their varying cultural views of gender, and their roles in the world.

  • I've interacted with varying degrees of ability and disability within myself and close loved ones. This aspect of my life has led me to explore empowerment and autonomy from the inside out, while simultaneously holding space for the difficulties that can be caused by a non-typical body and/or mind. Whether you find yourself questioning your level of ability, identify as disabled, or are fully able bodied, embodiment and the ability to affirm difficulty while harnessing your strengths creates an environment of self trust, understanding capacity, and creating limitless growth in all possible facets.

  • I have experience in flourishing long term romantic relationships and friendships, as well as complex or non-traditional family systems, with complete realism to the ups and downs of human interaction and imperfection. When it comes to families, I know that the tree can span a mile- I'm one of 5 half siblings. I'm passionate about walking alongside my clients as they find their path to thriving interpersonally. Many clients opt to discuss navigating a rough patch in a relationship, the end of a relationship, navigating unique cultural or intercultural nuances with loved ones,or struggling socially in general. Sometimes relationships need a different approach to communication, a refresh, or a period of self-exploration and curiosity amongst the individuals involved. Other times, letting go is best. I enjoy holding a true neutral space in which clients can determine what is best for them and their own friendships, family relations, and romantic partnerships, while assisting them in new and creative ways to interact. I'm happy to provide space for those who need to discuss these social aspects of their lives, as well as those who are part of alternative or complex lifestyles and relationship dynamics.

I'm able to adapt to the needs of a wide range of people, but if you find yourself unsure about whether this coaching dynamic is the right fit for you, please schedule a free consult.