Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question to learn more.

Still need help? Call or text us at 443-353-0658.

Safety, Security, & Privacy

  • Yes. Services are completed in a room with no visibility to others to ensure your privacy. We have added sound barriers in our ceilings and other sound dampening protocol to ensure all conversations are not heard by anyone passing by or in the waiting area.

    The doors to the treatment rooms remain unlocked to preserve your autonomy to exit at any time. Your practitioner will always knock and verbally check with you before entering the room (or develop an alternate accessible protocol for communicating your readiness for the practitioner to enter in the case of deafness).

  • Medical massage therapy is a legally recognized healthcare service that must be provided by a licensed professional. All of your health information is protected under the federal law HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). This means your health information cannot be shared with others unless it is being shared securely between providers for your treatment. If you authorize the sharing of health information in writing, it can then be provided to family members or loved ones that you list in the disclosure document. If you want to authorize a loved one to receive information regarding your healthcare or treatment, we will provide a form that you can sign to authorize this disclosure. Otherwise, information cannot be shared unless directed by court order.

    You have the ability to access your own records upon request. If you need records from a session for a court date or legal purposes, for your own recordkeeping, or to have on your person, contact us by email or phone and we will provide you with a copy.

    More information on HIPAA can be found at

    Sessions like coaching and reiki may not fall under the legal category of "health information" as they are not recognized as clinical services. However, we treat ALL of our services with the same privacy protocol as if it was protected by HIPAA.

  • Please feel free to book any of our massage sessions (except for the body scrubs), as all can be done fully clothed. Simply let your practitioner know during the intake that you prefer to remained clothed.

    If you book the Custom Therapeutic Massage, your practitioner will choose the best techniques for your needs, preferences, and health history from a wide variety of options.

    These options may include myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, acupressure, compression techniques, active release techniques, neuromuscular techniques, assisted stretching, Thai or shiatsu techniques, reflexology, and more.

  • Yes. We have comfortable bolstering to position clients in sidelying positions, as well as propped up in zero gravity positions. If needed services can be done in seated positions on a massage chair or comfortable lounge chair. If you are a wheelchair user and need a service to remain in your wheelchair, we can adapt the service to accommodate your needs.

    You do not need to be able to lay face down or on your back to receive a service.

  • As licensed professionals in the massage field, we've trained in the same levels of anatomy and physiology as any other healthcare professional (doctors, nurses, PTs, etc). We have also been required to study pathology and research competence. Our continued education training has specialized in applying massage therapy to medical needs.

    This means that we are able to understand how our techniques affect the body, as well as adequately educate ourselves on the unique combination of conditions you experience to determine which techniques are safe or unsafe for you. If any minor risks are identified, you will be notified before the service (eg. bruising, soreness, etc) . The professional will not proceed with the service if any major risks or contraindications are identified. We do not diagnose or prescribe. In the rare case that we cannot make a determination about safety protocol when applying our techniques to your case, we contact the physicians, NPs, or PTs supervising your case before rendering service.

    In any case, we are happy to collaborate with the rest of your care team and work with them within our specialties to get you towards your goals.

    If you're unsure if our services are a good fit, please feel free to schedule a free consultation to speak directly with a practitioner.

About Payment Options

  • Yes. It is suggested that you check with your specific HSA/FSA company to determine ahead of time if they will require receipts or additional documentation for our services, and ensure that your particular company approves our service for coverage.

    If additional documentation is required we are able to provide itemized receipts or superbills.

  • While integrative services have made progress getting recognized by major insurance companies in recent years, we still have a long way to go before we are recognized for adequate coverage. If you think your insurance company covers any of the services we offer, please let us know which company you use so we can investigate the potential of joining their networks.

    Regarding Massage:

    We do not bill insurance as most insurance companies will not cover massage therapy from a licensed massage therapist (Thankfully the Maryland Massage Board is working on changing this). Most insurance companies instead say any manual therapy must be rendered by a Physical Therapist.

    We can provide you with a superbill, however, which you can submit to your insurance company and try for reimbursement.

    We are equipped with an NPI number and the massage license with healthcare privileges needed to be insurance eligible.

    Creating the superbill takes effort from our staff and also takes your time to submit. To give you the best chance of coverage, before requesting a superbill from us please call your insurance company ahead of time and ask them the following questions:

    1) Is massage therapy covered when rendered by a massage therapist?

    2) Which billing codes for massage or manual therapy do you cover?

    3) Are there any quantity limits on how long of a session is covered, or how many sessions are covered within a year?

    4) Is a physician's prescription required for massage to be covered?

    If the insurance company is able to answer all of the above, there is a good chance you will receive reimbursement. Please contact us at 443-353-0658 by call or text and we will provide you with the superbill to send into your insurance company for you to be reimbursed after your service. Your payment to us will be due as usual at the time of service. Please note it can take multiple weeks for you to receive the reimbursement from your insurance, and they may not cover all services in full.

    Regarding coaching:

    Health coaching is not currently covered by most health insurances, but if progress persists, it may be covered starting in 2025. We will then make a determination if we are going to offer superbills as above for massage therapy, or if we may begin billing insurances we hope to network with.

    Regarding corrective exercise:

    Corrective exercise delivered outside of a physical therapy office is categorized by legal and insurance definitions as a fitness service and not a medical service. Therefore, it is not covered by insurances.

    If you have an insurance with fitness benefits that claims to cover personal training, there may be a chance that corrective exercise is covered in this umbrella. Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining a superbill so your insurance may determine if they can reimburse you for the service. Call or text 443-353-0658.

    All other services:

    Somatic work or meditation are not insurance covered services. However, they may be covered in the future if delivered as part of a massage or coaching session, once massage and coaching services themselves are better recognized by insurance companies.

    Unfortunately, reiki and energetic or spiritual healing services are not recognized as covered services by insurance companies and likely will not be in the near future.

  • Credit card / debit card

    Cash (limited change available)



  • Services are priced based on duration, work required by practitioners, and resources used.

    The prices of each service are listed on the appointment scheduler.

    The prices are also listed in the description of every service on our service menus.

    Visit the In-Office Service Menu here

    Visit the Online Service Menu here

    You may notice "First Visit Rate" prices under most services. This is the promotional price of the first service booked by new clients, up to 15% off of the standard price. This promotion may not be available on some services that do not have "First Visit Rates" listed. If you are a new client, use the promo code WELCOME to claim your discount.

About Our Services

  • Yes to all of the above and many more.

    When you book your session, you do not need to book it under separate modalities (eg. booking a "Deep Tissue session"). All are booked under Custom Therapeutic Massage. This is because we oftentimes use many techniques in one session and don't want to limit our clients access to any combinations of modalities that would benefit them.

    All sessions come with an intake, so if you have a particular technique in mind, for example, if you want just a Swedish massage for your whole session time, your practitioner will ask you and respect your preferences before the session begins.

    See a list of available techniques in our Custom Therapeutic Massage Sessions and their descriptions here.

  • We have a lot of options, which can be overwhelming if you need quite a few different things or aren't sure what these healing modalities entail.

    For general and basic questions you can...

    Call or text our receptionist at 443-353-0658

    Or if you need more personalized recommendations from the ones delivering the services...

    Book a free consultation with a practitioner for a personalized recommendation.

    Click here to go to the booking section and select Free Consultation.

    If you have a general idea of what you need (massage, energy work, etc), book a Custom service in that category and your practitioner will help you sift through your needs to determine the session structure.

  • Note: While we simplify these as "couples" services, these service types can apply to any group of two people (friends, family, loved ones, etc).

    All of the below are subject to practitioner availability and must be booked with staff. These cannot be booked online.

    Couples Massage:

    We do not currently do couples massage services in the same room, but we can sometimes book simultaneous appointments for two separate rooms. We also have a lounge space, which allows for plenty of space and relaxation if there are any gaps between each client's session finish times.

    Please contact us at 443-353-0658 for requests.

    Couples Energy Work/Reiki:

    In some situations we are able to do couples services for energy work and reiki in the same room. One client would rest on the table, the other in a luxurious lounge chair.

    Please contact us at 443-353-0658 for requests.

    Couples Coaching:

    Virtual or in-person services may be available for couples coaching. Each client is required to pay the normal service fee. Please schedule a Free Consultation with Jonathan before booking a session. Your services will be booked manually by staff.

    Schedule a Free Consultation here.

  • In many ways, our space is the meeting point of all of the above practices.

    We offer clinical services like medical massage therapy, that can help with various health and rehabilitative needs. Various other modalities we offer support health and wellness and make lasting change. All of our services are meant to build off of each other to meet needs on a deeper level. We also collaborate with our clients' care teams, physicians, and both Western and Eastern practitioners so our clients get the best of many worlds.

    Our services have the ability to assist our clients in physical, mental, emotional, environmental, social, and spiritual layers of wellbeing, so they can actually begin to live life the way they've hoped for.

    We tailor our spa services to be physically, emotionally, and financially accessible in ways other facilities do not. We want to break the image of the spa being a place that is restricted to only certain economic classes, and empower clients of all upbringings to know they belong in high end spaces. Additionally, the mental health benefits of the spa are deserved by all. Everyone needs a reset, an escape, and a place to receive both medical and wellness care without being in an environment that evokes medical trauma.

    Our version of health and wellness care does not stop at "being alive and not sick." We want our clients to find themselves, connect with their many purposes, and thrive. We want to help people of all health and socioeconomic histories to have the opportunity to truly feel alive. And so we combined the benefits of many different places, the techniques of many different origins, and put them together to help our clients choose the ones they need.

    We wanted to be a Sanctuary in the truest form, where people could come and form their chrysalis to rise anew. And so Sanctuary Repose was born.

  • Massage Therapy:

    Yes! Massage exists in different forms for all ages- from infants to geriatric care.

    We also accommodate children living with disabilities, who may benefit even more from wellness services like massage that can help with sensory input and physical/emotional regulation. We involve both the parent/guardian and the child in the communication process during these services, adapting communication techniques to the client as needed.

    For all massage of minors 0-17 years of age a parent or legal guardian must sign on all medical documentation and waivers and must be present and in the room throughout the entire session. Our room has an area for parents to relax comfortably during the session.

    For infant and baby massage, we guide the parents through techniques.

    For toddlers through age 10, we usually recommend shorter sessions to accommodate young attention spans. Above age 10, children usually do well with standard 60 minute and above massage times, and are often able to relax into the session.

    We adjust the music, lighting, and can provide toys and sensory objects to occupy little ones when needed.

    Children may benefit from massage therapy for many of the same reasons adults do- to regulate their nervous system after stress, to rehabilitate an injury, to correct postural issues, etc.

    In fact, it is much easier to correct postural issues or imbalances, like scoliosis, before adulthood because there is more malleability in the tissues. Orthopedic massage can have significant impact on this. We always suggest a follow up with a PT and/or knowledgeable pediatric chiropractor to get an exercise routine to help maintain these results over time.

    If you think your child may benefit from massage therapy, but want to learn more first, please feel free to schedule a Free Consultation with a practitioner.

    Schedule Free Consults here.


    Coaching is a primarily speech based service that can be applied to any age. We offer coaching for children and minors who are of an age and ability in which they can verbally communicate about their mental and physical health. These services are available online and in-person. If your child is non-verbal, see below for ways coaching as a family could be beneficial.

    Coaching can be applied to many things that help children and teens, such as mental and physical health, learning styles, identity and sense of self, overcoming bullying, or future goal-setting.

    Our coach Jonathan has experience both as a neurodivergent person and in aiding children with neurodivergence and disabilities in the classroom. In some cases, even if a child is nonverbal, a family coaching session with verbal guardians can help with education, developmental, and access goals. Please schedule a Free Consultation with Jonathan for inquiries.

    Parents or guardians must be present for coaching sessions from ages 0-13. A parent or guardian must also be present for children ages 14-17 unless the parent/guardian prefers to sign a waiver allowing the session to be conducted without their presence in the room. For in-person sessions the guardian must still be present in our facility during the session time (eg. waiting in the lobby). Necessary safety or health information must still be communicated by the coach to the guardian about the child when needed.

    Meditation and Somatic Work:

    These options are great for nervous system regulation, and Somatic Meditations or massage techniques can help children and minors dealing with histories of trauma or emotional repression by focusing on finding safety in their body.

    The only requirement for an effective session is that the child is able to relax into the session and understand verbal guidance. We have settle-down techniques for children that may struggle with this. We may be able to adapt some physical meditation skills to nonverbal clients. Please feel free to schedule a Free Consultation with inquiries.

    Schedule a Free Consultation here.

    Parents or guardians must be present for all ages during these sessions. Online and in-person options are available.

  • In some cases we are able to accommodate children and pets in the facility. Please see the Policies page for details or contact us with requests at 443-353-0658 .

    Click here for the Policies page.

  • Our massage table has a weight capacity of 1200 lbs.

    Our secondary rooms in the suite have tables with lower capacities. The lowest table weight capacity in our suite is 400 lbs.

    Please let us know you need to book the main room if you need the table with the additional capacity.

    We are able to accommodate massage on chairs or floor mats if preferred by our clients. Just schedule a Free Consultation and let your practitioner know this request, judgment free. Your comfort is our priority.

    Schedule a Free Consultation here.

  • We provide accessibility for as many needs as possible. Please visit the Accessibility page for full details on:

    • Neurodivergence/ Sensory/ Cognitive Disability Access

    • Mobility Assisted Access

    • Blind/Low Vision Access

    • Deaf/Hard of Hearing Access

    • Trauma-Informed Access

    • Safety for LGBTQIA+ people (gender neutral restrooms etc)

    • Safety for diverse body sizes

    • Language Access

    • Public Transportation Access

    Trained service animals are always welcome. Caregivers, translators, interpreters, and aids are also welcome, and we provide space for them to relax as needed.

    Visit the Accessibility Page here.

About Scheduling

  • To use our online scheduling system, Acuity, follow the prompts on the scheduler at the Appointment scheduling page.

    Click here to access the appointment scheduling page.

    You'll select the appointment you want to book, the provider to book with, and the date/time. It will prompt you to fill out any necessary forms for your appointment.

    If you have any questions or run into any trouble using the online scheduler, please reach out to us by call or text at 443-353-0658. We are happy to resolve any issues with the online scheduler and/or book your appointment for you.

  • No worries if you'd rather not use the online scheduling system! We are here to help.

    Call or text us at 443-353-0658.

    We can schedule your appointment for you.

  • We can sometimes be more flexible than the online scheduling system allows. This is because the system has a rigid formula to avoid overlap with our cleanup and reset times. If the booking system is telling you there are no spots available for quite some time, especially for longer services, please contact us by call or text at 443-353-0658 and we will check over it for you.

About Massage Therapy

Click the button below to see the descriptions of massage techniques we use in our Custom Therapeutic massage sessions, as well as answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

About Mental Health Coaching

Click the button below to learn what mental health & life coaching are, how we practice, and see our coaches and their focus areas.

About Somatic Mind-Body Services

Click the button below to learn what Somatic Mind-Body work is, how it works, and the different things it helps with such as trauma, emotional, mental, and physical conditions and experiences.