Online Healing Center

We’re bringing our healing services worldwide. Learn about the virtual services we offer below.

For questions, booking assistance, or service recommendations:

Call or text us at 443-353-0658 or email

Click on a Tele-Wellness Service to see the descriptions and prices.

  • Collaborate with a coach via video call or phone to gain valuable self-insight and practical steps in the direction of your wellbeing.

    Our practice is consent-based, trauma-informed, and health-educated. Mental health coaching assists you in finding innovative ways to interact with yourself, your mind, and the world around you.

    This service is designed to bring you closer to your own vision of wellbeing, connect with your sense of identity and purpose, and help you practically navigate the changes needed to function at your best.

    If you've been looking for a way forward through any of the topics listed in the below, we're here to help.

    Regular Rates

    30 Minutes.... $30

    45 Minutes.... $45

    60 Minutes..... $60

    90 Minutes..... $90

    Topics we coach on:

    Mental Health (anxiety, depression, burnout, mood disorders, and more)

    Emotional challenges

    Difficult life events and transitions

    Identity and Self Connection

    Finding Direction & Balance

    Interpersonal Relationships & Social Wellness

    Marginalized Identity

    Chronic Illness

    Family Dynamics




    Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching

    Somatic & Mind-Body Coaching

    Connecting with Lesser-Known Healthcare & Wellness Resources

    Healthcare, Fitness, and Wellness Routines (with a focus on accessibility)

    And more

    Click here for the Coaching FAQs & Info Page, and to see coach profiles.

  • What Reiki is and how it works: Reiki translates to "Spirit Energy", and is an energy based healing method for mental, physical, and spiritual ailments. It does not require any specific belief system. Some people view it as prayer energy, healing energy, intention, spiritual energy, energy of the Universe or God, etc. Spiritually unaffiliated individuals may view it as an increase in electromagnetic energy which helps the body to calm and self-heal.

    Practitioners provide the intention and pathway to direct universal healing energy to the client, without involving their own energy. Reiki then aids the body in facilitating its own mental and physical recovery processes, and restoring energetic flow.   

    We are also equipped with specific techniques for emotional or mental ailments.  

    How "Long Distance" Reiki works: Your practitioner will meet with you on video calling software and discuss with you what you'd like to address. The original reiki traditions use specific words and the client's name and date of birth to aid in the transfer of healing energy to your being. You practitioner will direct the energy to the areas needed and guide you into a comfortable and/or meditative state to best receive the reiki session. Your practitioner will be fully present with you via video call during the entire session, just as if you were receiving a treatment in person.

    First Visit Rates

    30 minutes ..... $25.50

    60 minutes..... $51 

    90 minutes ..... $76.50

    Regular Rates 

    30 minutes ..... $30

    60 minutes ..... $60 

    90 minutes ..... $90

    "Jikiden" Reiki compared to other forms of Reiki: Reiki is a much loved energy healing method here in the States. However, many modifications and styles have arisen since it was first brought here by Ms.Takata. For example, some may call upon angels or involve the chakras. While these are fully effective and valid methods, if the specific variations have not been disclosed, clients may not be able to consent to the practices used, or wonder why sessions feel so different between practitioners.

    "Jikiden" or "Directly Taught" Reiki are the preserved original practices developed in Japan by Mikao Usui. The foundations of his methods are often removed or changed in modified versions. For this reason, these sessions may feel different than what some clients are used to. We offer modified forms of Reiki too, in the Custom Energy Healing sessions.

    This structure lets clients access unmodified and modified Reiki, and allows us to choose the combinations that work best for each person. It also allows practitioners to receive proper education from the source of each modification. This protects Mr.Usui's methodology and the accompanying cultural teachings that helped create them.

    Our Jikiden Reiki Education:  Sourced from the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai (Institute) in Kyoto, Japan.  

    Practitioner: Jonathan   

    Course Levels Completed: Shoden, Okuden (Full practitioner capabilities, no teaching capabilities)  

    The lineage of teachers to your provider are as follows: Mikao Usui -- Dr. Churjiro Hayashi -- Chiyoko Yamaguchi -- Frank Arjava Petter -- Nikki Ward (taught Shoden) / Nancy See (taught Okuden) -- Jonathan Bowling

  • Energetic healing methods from various origins are intuitively integrated into a customized healing service based on your needs and interests. As virtual services these are delivered over video call with your practitioner consistently present, guiding you through the process.

    These include:  

    Reiki - The sending and balancing of spirit energy as described in the "Jikiden Reiki" service description.  

    Chakra balancing - Balancing the energy within the 7 main energy centers along the spine and head, and various smaller chakra points within the joints.  May include verbal feedback, self care tools, and hands on energy work.

    Aura sweeping - Removing imbalances within the energy field surrounding the body that correlate with spiritual, emotional, and physical symptoms.   

    Elemental Theories - Work with the meridians, Chinese 5 element theory, or Ayurvedic elemental theories to create energetic balance.

    Cleansings - Various methods to remove negative or heavy energies that have accumulated around you or your space.

    Ancestral and Guide Healing - With your permission or request we may call upon your guides and healed ancestors to support your healing. If unhealed ancestral trauma or ancestors show up as part of your healing journey, we call upon the healed energies that are connected with you, with protection, to guide you and your lineage safely to resolution.  

    Please let us know if you have any specific requests for the types of healing used. Otherwise we'll go over your current needs and health, and intuitively integrate a combination of the above specifically for you.  

    First Visit Rates

    30 minutes .... $25.50

    60 minutes ..... $51

    90 minutes ..... $76.50

    Regular Rates

    30 minutes ..... $30 

    60 minutes ..... $60

    90 minutes ..... $90

  • Somatic work uses the connection of the mind and body to activate innate safety mechanisms that reduce states of hypervigilance, stress, and threat.

    This is a great option for calming the following...

    Chronic illness that operates on feedback loops of the nervous system (autoimmunity, conditions that affect heart rate and breathing, gut conditions, and many more)

    Sensory symptoms (pain, numbness and tingling)

    Mental health symptoms (symptoms of panic attacks, anxiety, depression, derealization, and more)

    Burnout and stress responses

    Repressed emotions

    Recovery from trauma (These non-invasive methods never require re-living the trauma nor asking any questions regarding it. Share only as much as you'd like. While we are fully prepared to assist you through intense emotions if they arise, most sessions with these techniques are very calm, grounding, and allow for even uncomfortable emotions to be experienced gently.)

    For the online service, your practitioner will meet with you via video call. Virtual somatic healing sessions may include:

    Guided meditations and visualizations

    Somatic coaching- a verbal walkthrough that provides education on the body's responses and new ways to interact with sensations

    Instruction for subtle movements

    Neuromuscular techniques

    Instructed massage around the vagus nerve


    Your practitioner will work with you to build a custom set of techniques that work best for your situation.

    To learn more about why and how these techniques work in the body, or to see if this is a match for your needs, schedule a free consultation with our practitioners.

    Click here for the Somatic Work FAQ and Info Page.

    First Visit Rates

    30 Minutes ..... $25.50

    45 minutes ..... $38.25

    60 Minutes ..... $51

    Regular Rates

    30 minutes ..... $30

    45 minutes ..... $45

    60 minutes ..... $60

  • Your practitioner will meet with you via video call and guide you through this process.

    Experience meditation made just for you. We adapt techniques for beginner to advanced meditators. If you get stuck, we’re here to help and give the how-to’s.

    Topics of your choice range from....

    Letting go and releasing

    Mental clarity, thought detachment

    Connection with self and identity

    Energetic self-healing, chakra work


    Ancestral or spiritual connections

    Inner child interaction


    Certain Vedic or Yogic techniques

    Sensory and activity based meditations

    Body-scanning and body-based meditations

    Some techniques and meditation styles are not recommended for specific mental health symptoms or states of mind. Your practitioner will assist you in finding the techniques that are the best match for your needs and goals.

    First Visit Rates

    30 minutes ..... $25.50

    45 minutes ..... $38.25

    60 minutes ..... $51

    Regular Rates

    30 minutes ..... $30

    45 minutes ..... $45

    60 minutes ..... $60

  • This service is beneficial for those experiencing pain due to imbalanced or deconditioned muscles, or wanting to reduce the risk of injury. These muscular imbalances usually lead to unstable, painful, or less functional joints, which corrective exercise can aid by rebalancing the soft tissues around them.

    Your Corrective Exercise Specialist will take your health history, assess for areas of instability and injury risk, and talk with you about any areas of concern.

    Based on posture, gait, reported symptoms, and other assessment results, your specialist will create a strengthening and stabilizing plan specifically for you. This can also include routines for you to do offline on your own time. Most corrective exercise is accessible, low-risk, and low to moderate intensity.

    Your Corrective Exercise Specialist will monitor your form to ensure that the correct muscles are being engaged, and that there is no risk for injury. This also allows for the opportunity to make any final adjustments to your plan before you begin utilizing any of the exercises on your own.

    Your Corrective Exercise Specialist will help you determine when a recheck is needed.

    Virtual appointments, while still very effective, have some limitations to the assessments, monitoring, and assistance given. For that reason, virtual sessions are reduced in cost and shorter in duration compared to the in-office version.

    Regular Rates

    30 minutes .... $30

    45 minutes ...... $45 (First session)

    Medical Notice: We work on areas of pain and/or old, healed injuries, and aid in optimizing these areas of vulnerability. But we do not work on active injury. If you are in the acute phase of an injury, please see your Physical Therapist instead or contact us if you need connections to quality Physical Therapy. If you have certain health conditions, your Corrective Exercise Specialist may need to get clearance and maintain contact with a supervising physician or PT. If this is necessary we will set up a system to streamline this process for you. Your Corrective Exercise Specialist will let you know if this applies. Please be sure to disclose your health history thoroughly during your assessment so that we can ensure your safety.

  • Collaborate via video call with a licensed medical massage therapist to learn personalized techniques to take care of your (or a loved one's) pain, chronic illness, tension, or stress-related ailments at home. Follow along with guided techniques for self-massage, pressure points, hot and cold therapies, therapeutic movement for myofascial releases, and create a plan to utilize regularly on your own time.

    Before the guided massage, your professional will provide a brief consultation and educate you on the safety protocol for each technique, how the techniques affect the body, and about the effects of the pain, conditions, or symptoms you are experiencing. This education empowers clients with greater frames of reference for managing their situation and the ability to seek further resources.

    If you are using this service to help a loved one, please have your loved one present to practice the techniques under the supervision of the professional.

    First Visit Rates

    30 minutes ..... $25.50

    45 minutes ..... $38.25

    60 minutes ..... $51

    Regular Rates

    30 minutes ..... $30

    45 minutes ..... $45

    60 minutes ..... $60

    Safety Notice & Legal Disclaimer: This is a collaborative effort using the knowledge and in-depth anatomical training of a massage therapist, but it does not constitute nor substitute medical advice. The medical education and techniques demonstrated are for educational purposes only, non-prescriptively, and it is up to the client to determine if they choose to use these techniques. The massage therapist will provide safety information for all techniques to which it is the client's responsibility to adhere. Referrals will be made to appropriate professionals if the client describes situations out of the scope of massage therapy. This information does not give the client legal permission to practice any form of massage for compensation. To collect compensation for massage therapy, follow the education and licensing requirements of your state, territory, or local Board.

  • If you are...

    Unsure of which Tele-Wellness therapeutics would be best for you

    Or you think you need a combination of the above virtual services...

    Book this mix-and-match session and fill your allotted time with any combination of the above services of your choosing.

    Your practitioner will go over your needs and preferences in the intake of your video call session.

    Regular Rates

    30 minutes ..... $30

    60 minutes ..... $60

    90 minutes ..... $90